Today Benjamin went to the Dentist for the first time. Am I a bad Mom? Should he have gone sooner? I don't know. But the good news is that his teeth look great! Here he is waiting, and actually excited.

Today Benjamin went to the Dentist for the first time. Am I a bad Mom? Should he have gone sooner? I don't know. But the good news is that his teeth look great! Here he is waiting, and actually excited.
Posted by Corinne at 6:05 PM 3 comments
Yesterday Benjamin went to his first Oakland A's game. (First of many, I am sure) Benjamin and Brian had matching #3 Chavez shirts that Benjamin thought was great. They had good seats in the lower deck by third base so a few foul balls came their way. In the picture you can see Ben had his glove ready to go at all times. He kept yelling to the players "Hit it to ME!"
He also got to go with Brian's brother Jon and his son Nolan, Benjamin's only male cousin.
Posted by Corinne at 7:17 PM 5 comments
Yesterday was the nicest day of the year. It was 89 degrees and it was so nice Brian decided to leave work early and have some family fun. We went miniature golfing for the first time (Ben calls it mini me golf). And it was quite an experience.
Posted by Corinne at 9:39 PM 1 comments
Yesterday was dollar day at Happy Hollow. It is a fun park with lots of rides, playgrounds, a puppet show and a small zoo with some random animals. Potbelly pigs, sheep, monkeys, and the very best part is the goat place. You pay 25 cents and get a handful of food and you get to feed the goats. Unfortunately for my deprived boys, I had no change. Benjamin being the resourceful boy that he is, got food another way. He went around and picked up the food on the ground that kids had dropped. (It got a little tricky when we was having trouble distinguishing between food and goat poop. Luckily there is a sink to wash your hands when you leave the pen)
But he soon decided that he did not like the goats coming at him with their mouths open.
Posted by Corinne at 2:47 PM 1 comments
Benjamin got himself dressed yesterday all by himself for the first time. He picked out his clothes (clothes he got from his Thomas Grandparents for his big B-day) and I told him to put them on as I went to get Austin. This is what happens every day. But when I got back down stairs he actually had put the clothes on. But both his shirt and pants were backwards. So cute!! I congratulated him and then switched them forward. Later that day I was helping him go to the bathroom and I noticed he had no underwear on. (How I didn't notice when I switched his clothes earlier I do not know...) Apparently he likes going commando.
Posted by Corinne at 7:59 PM 1 comments